SPOT ON • Mar 09, 2022

Visiting the Browchitect

Lore Borremans Browchitect

The term "brow boss" perfectly describes Lore Boremans, a hard worker with two beauty salons near Antwerp, Belgium and recently launched her own brow academy, where she teaches courses with Mrs.Highbrow products. We are thrilled to share this new collaboration, so it's about time for a little introduction!

- By Desi van Dijk

Lore worked in a large perfumery from the age of twenty until the age of twenty-seven where she loved doing makeup for clients. But when she began to notice that many customers couldn't create their brows at home as Lore did, her entrepreneurial heart started to beat faster and she saw an opportunity. "At that time, there was a lot of demand for the perfect shaping & tinting of brows and when that started really taking off, I got started. In 2018, I started taking my first course at Mrs.Highbrowbrow, Styling Henna BrowsBrowchitect. How did she manage to make Browchitect so big with two branches and her own Academy?

Browchitect Academy

"I started out by offering shaping, tints and Henna Brows. Later, the Lash Lift followed. Then I started to grow further into what I saw the clients needed, as well as what they were asking for. Then I started hiring specialized staff, everyone in her own field." Browchitect now offers many different treatments, everything from permanent makeup and brow lamination to laser treatments and manicures. "I like that at Browchitect we can offer many different types of treatments, so if a client is comfortable in our salon, it's perfect that she can stay for other treatments! All of the women in my salon have their own expertise, which is why they are so specialized and good at their own craft."

"Mrs.Highbrow works so personally and with so much passion. That style totally suits me."

For Lore, Mrs.Highbrow has been a great role model. "I always felt really good when I took a course with you guys and I learned a lot. When I had my first salon well under control, I started my own Academy." Since the beginning of this year, Mrs.Highbrow and Browchitect have been working together and Lore offers the courses at her own Academy in Zwijndrecht on behalf of Mrs.Highbrow. "Mrs.Highbrow's style just totally matches my style, working very personally and with so much passion, it suits me perfectly. I am so looking forward to exploring this even further and working it out!" The personality in Lore's courses comes through very clearly, and she also thinks it's important to look at it from an entrepreneurial point of view. "A lot of girls want all the tips & tricks, but then don't really know how to start as an entrepreneur. I therefore really want to give those handles to then start for yourself."

Browchitect academy

"It may sound really crazy, but I find my work so relaxing."

Lore is a tight planner, but if a plan doesn't go the way she thought it would, she can also quickly switch gears and look for a solution. "It also helps that I employ very nice women who all work very hard, as if it were their own business. I've managed to turn my work into my hobby, which makes for a fun atmosphere and I get so much energy from it." But with two young children, it's a challenge. "Sometimes I arrive at work and it feels like I've already had a whole morning on my hands. My girls in the salon often laugh because I come across as so rushed and restless. But as soon as my first client is in the chair, I relax. It may sound really crazy, but I find my work so relaxing."

eyebrows lore Borremans

Training With Mrs.Highbrow Products

Curious about Lore's venture? Then follow Browchitect on Instagram. Or take a look at her website for training with Mrs.Highbrow products in Belgium.