• Apr 19, 2022

9 Ways to Attract More Customers

Blog how to get more clients Mrs.Highbrow

To grow your beauty business, you could probably use some extra clients. But how do you get them? We've got nine creative ideas to help you ensure your treatment chairs are always full.

- By Desi van Dijk

1. First Impression

A first impression is formed within seconds and it can be difficult to change. So it's important that your client's first impression is perfect. This applies not just to your salon, but your online performance and how you present yourself too. It goes without saying that your salon should be in order and look neat, but a beautiful website and well-maintained social media are also a must. How do you make sure your Instagram game is on point? Keep reading #5 for that. But that's not all, a personal touch and going just that little extra mile will stick with customers. It's also very important that as a beauty professional, you look good, because remember, you are your brand.

2. Offer new treatments

The beauty industry is very dynamic, so it's important that you step out of your comfort zone, too. Besides offering the treatments that are indispensable to your brow 'menu', it's crucial to keep innovating. Clients are often curious about new trends and will want to try a new treatment every now and then; for example, do you already offer Lash Lifts?

It's good to keep yourself challenged and continue your education to keep growing as a beauty professional! At Mrs.Highbrow, we've developed educational courses from the most popular treatments. You can take an online training for Henna Brows, or for Brow Lamination and Lash Lift. The all-round Brow Stylist course covers the basics with all the tips & tricks you could need. Want more information about the online courses? Then feel free to send us a message via the chat function on our website!

Lash lift

3. Attract new customers with existing customers

Word of mouth is still hands down the most effective form of advertising. Always make sure you give a great result and an unforgettable experience, and treat your customer with respect! Clients will only refer their family and friends to you, or tag your salon on Instagram, when they have an amazing experience. It's also super important that your existing clients share their good experience online through positive Google or Facebook reviews so you will be more findable and future clients will be more likely to book with you! Wondering how to deal with reviews and make sure you keep receiving positive reviews? Check out this blog!

4. Loyalty program

It pays to give a customer a bonus when he or she comes back. It's a good idea to set up a loyalty program like a stamp card, with a 50% discount on a treatment after booking 5 treatment, or give the tenth treatment for free. In this day and age when everything is on our phones, it's even better to do it digitally, for example with an app like MyStamp. Not only will a loyalty program make new customers come back faster, it's more attractive for existing customers! It's nice to reward regular customers by giving them something extra. You can read more about loyalty programs here.

5. A Perfect Instagram Account

As we mentioned earlier, it's necessary to give a good first impression. In 2022, your Instagram feed is effectively your salon's business card; especially in the beauty industry, an up-to-date Instagram profile is an absolute must. You should show what services you offer, beautiful before & after photos of eyebrows and eyelashes, and customer reviews. Need some guidance on how to take the most beautiful Instagram photos? Read this blog! If you're wondering what content your customers would like to see, you can post a question sticker via Instagram Stories, as it's not just fun for your customers, but useful info for you. Make sure that you're easy to find by choosing a logical name and that your bio includes your contact information.

6. Advertise on Instagram & Google

Advertising is definitely a must these days if you want more brand awareness and customers. A good start is Google Ads, and you can determine the maximum budget you want to spend, and you can always change or pause a campaign. It's a good idea to view each campaign so you know what works and what needs to be changed next time. You can also see who your users are and what their age and location is, which allows you to adjust the campaign to target a specific audience.

If you have a business account on Instagram, you can also advertise there, and you don't have to spend a large budget at all! It's best to experiment in the beginning and see what works. Want more info? Check out business.instagram.com. Does all this sound too complicated and you don't have time to get into it? Try finding someone in your area who knows more about online advertising or social media who could help you, or hire an agency.

7. Do some networking

Do some networking. It may sound a bit exciting and intimidating, but it is in itself quite easy - both online and offline - to meet people in your field. Try Facebook groups for eyebrow specialists, pmu specialists or nail technicians, for example. Offline, you can look for businesses with similar target groups, such as gyms, clothing stores or tanning salons. You can ask if you can put your business cards or flyers there, and in return, they can put theirs at your business.

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8. Driving Advertising

Advertise for free while you are shopping, stuck at traffic lights, or taking the kids to school! By having your salon's logo and website printed on your car, you make yourself easily visible and will quickly gain new customers.

9. A Sponsorship or Charity Event

With a sponsorship or charity partnership you can create both goodwill and new customers! Two birds, one stone. Come up with a charity project in the neighborhood or sponsor a charity run; besides doing good and making you feel good about yourself, it also creates brand awareness! You could hand out brochures, discount vouchers or make something available for the goodie bag. In other words, it's really three birds with one stone. Another advantage is that it is also good for your online presence, as a link is given to all partners or sponsors and this generates better visibility on the Internet.

From Goal to Success

Hopefully this blog has given you some ideas how you can get more customers! If you still find it difficult and don't know how to start, read our blog 'From Goal to Success'. Here we explain step by step how you can make your goals achievable!