• Dec 16, 2021

9 Tricks To Save Time

It's the busiest time of the year in your salon, so how do you make sure you give everyone the treatment they deserve without rushing it or running out of time? We've got the tips. 

#1. Keep it short

Your salon is busy and even though you're eager to hear what your clients have planned for the new year, you have less time for long conversations, because you have a lot of women to make beautiful before Christmas! So save that conversation for the new year and let your clients find coziness & relaxation in nice decorations and cheerful Christmas music. Win-win, as this way your clients will get into the festive spirit!

#2. Tidy things up

Even more so than usual, you must make sure that your workspace is neat and organized so that everything you need is in your hands as quick as possible. Put your brow henna in the Dyotics Workstation and makeup in the Mrs.Highbrow Counter Display. And make sure you have a sufficient supply of cotton pads, Q-tips and gloves on your work table, plus a supply of clean tweezers, brushes and scissors! The better prepared you are, the less time you'll spend replenishing supplies, or worse, searching for them.

#3. Self-service

Although you may want to offer your customers a drink, it takes a lot of work to make a cappuccino for everyone, especially when a customer is almost ready and she has no time to actually drink it. The solution is simple: put a nice thermos with delicious tea and a bowl of Christmas wreaths and let your customers serve themselves!

#4. "Be on time"

Inform customers well in advance and explain in all reminders that you are extra busy at this time of year, and emphasize that they need to be on time! If they're late, unfortunately they can no longer be treated, otherwise your entire schedule will be messed up. An extra heads up never hurts! 

#5. Little White Lie

Book every appointment 'secretly' 5 minutes early, so when a client books an appointment for 15:45, it actuall starts in your calendar at 15:50. This way, it's not a problem if clients arrive 5 minutes late, because they are actually right on time! If they happen to show up at the right time, they'll have to wait 5 minutes, but no one can object to that!

#6. Short Processing Time

Choose products with a short application and leave-in time so you can carry out your treatments as efficiently as possible! Lash Elevation is the perfect product with a super-short-acting lash lift. Within 45 minutes, your client will be done and can even have her lashes dyed!

#7. Combine Treatments

While one client has her henna setting, wax the other! Just like at the hairdresser's, it's not uncommon to have multiple clients being treated at the same time. Maybe it's not ideal, and maybe one customer would prefer to have all the attention, but your clients are probably just glad that you found a spot for them, so whatever it takes, goes. As long as you let clients know well in advance that - this time - you are going to work this way, that way you can also give a client a lash and a brow lift at the same time or let eyelash dye soak in while you wax the eyebrows.

#8. Come Alone

Include in your confirmation email that you expect customers to come alone, or at most bring another adult if they must bring kids. Especially during this hectic time, it gets a little too full in your salon when there are kids or pets underfoot.

#9. Makeup-less

Ask in advance that clients come to their appointment for a lash lift, eyelash tinting or eyelash extensions without any eye makeup or have cotton balls and makeup remover at the ready. This way, clients can remove their own make-up as soon as they arrive and you can immediately start the treatment when it's their turn; many clients like to remove their eye makeup themselves.