BUSINESS • May 20, 2021

How much can you charge for Henna Brows?

Henna Brows prijs bepalen

Henna Brows are super fun to do, but also quite time consuming. It is therefore important that you charge enough for it. How much can you ask for such a treatment? From Amsterdam we give our view on your price list, wherever you are.

Whether you have just started as a brow specialist or have been in the business for some time, determining a price for your treatments remains difficult. But it is important to set your rates right in one go. Because once the price is set, your customers will no longer accept a substantial increase so easily. If you are just starting out, give an introductory discount, stating the actual price of the treatment, rather than starting with a rate that is too low. Once your clients are in love with your magical work, they will pay the actual price for it too.

Especially with henna brows, many specialists are quickly inclined to ask too little

In Western Europe, the price of a henna treatment is often between 30 and 50 euros including shaping, which is equal to about 35 to 60 dollars and 25 and 45 pounds. But especially with henna brows, many specialists are quickly inclined to ask too little. Because they still have to learn it, or because they misjudge the time they spend on it. But henna brows are quite intensive, so you have to pay for them. Of course it will take you a little longer in the beginning, and you do not pass that on to your customer. But an experienced specialist takes 35 to 45 minutes, including shaping. Suppose you have set your average hourly rate at € 60, then you have to ask between € 35 and € 45 for it. And if you ask for regular tinting - which takes you around 15 minutes - € 17.50, then henna brows should cost you more than € 40.

"Wow, are henna brows that expensive?" Yes, and it's worth it!

Don't be afraid to ask the price for henna brows. And don't let it depend on the opinion of others, or that salon in your area that does it for € 15. There may be times when a customer responds "Wow, are henna brows that expensive?" Yes, and it's worth it!
Are you still unsure about your pricing? Click on the chat button at the bottom right of this website. Then one of our colleagues will be happy to provide you with advice.

Incidentally, it is not surprising to increase your prices every year. And that applies to all treatments. Think of 3 to 5%, depending on inflation. Everything is getting more expensive in life, so why should you be left behind?