BUSINESS • Sep 07, 2024

Avoid beginner mistakes: tips for a flying start.

As a budding brow entrepreneur, you will undoubtedly encounter mistakes. It is inevitable and offers learning lessons. Of course, you try to keep them to a minimum. That's why we list 8 common mistakes so you can avoid them and get off to a flying start.

Text: Lisa Ploeger

Making mistakes is allowed

As a beginning brow boss, it's almost impossible to avoid making a few mistakes. After all, making mistakes is part of the learning process and it helps you get better at your craft. Besides, entrepreneurship also asks a lot of you. There is so much to consider, such as:

  • arranging a location for the treatments.
  • setting up the space.
  • buying the products/materials.
  • attending and completing relevant trainings and courses.
  • determining a price list.

It is important to realize that no one is perfect right away. Even the most successful entrepreneurs have built their businesses through experience and trial and error. Every mistake gives you another opportunity to learn, grow and improve your techniques. By being open to feedback and giving yourself room to make mistakes, you will build a successful, confident and strong business.

"When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important." - Ellen Degeneres

The common mistakes you can avoid

Of course, you want to make as few mistakes as possible. Below we have listed 8 common mistakes made by other specialists. Take advantage of them so you don't have to make them!

1. Getting persuaded.

Of course, it's important to be customer-centric, which means listening to your customers. But your clients, most of the time, don't know as much about brows as you know.

Their requests may be unrealistic or simply don't fit their face shape or skin type. Suppose they have a brow lamination appointment with you, but their brows are not suitable for it. Then, as a brow boss, it's better to be honest and cancel the appointment and offer an alternative than to leave your client dissatisfied with the result.

2. Not listening well to your clients.

Of course, you must continue to listen to your clients' needs and concerns. Each customer has unique preferences and expectations. If you ignore these, you can lose trust and loyalty. It is important to ask questions, actively listen and work together to find an appropriate solution.

3. Not being transparent.

If you are not clear about your prices, treatments and results, clients may feel misled and lose confidence in your salon. That's why it's always important to stay open and transparent about what clients can expect.

Don't sugarcoat things. You can promise that Brow Henna is guaranteed to stay on the skin for 10 days. But that's not always the case, and then a client feels cheated. By being realistic, you can avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication.

4. Not communicating clearly.

By not communicating clearly with your clients, you can cause confusion and frustration. Just like the point above about staying transparent, it's important to keep your clients well informed about their treatments, prices and expected results. By communicating clearly and in detail, you ensure that clients come to trust your salon.

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In these flyers you will read about Henna Brows. What are the benefits, info about the patch test and aftercare advice. Handy to inform your clients about the treatment.

5. Ignoring a dissatisfied client

A dissatisfied customer is never fun, of course, but if you start ignoring them, they can give your reputation a big bump. Customers want to feel heard, especially if they are dissatisfied with a treatment. Therefore, respond proactively to their feedback and find a good way to resolve the situation. When clients see that you take them seriously, they can restore trust in your salon. It may even lead to loyalty because they see that you value their satisfaction.

6. Starting out too cheap

It can be very tempting at the beginning to offer your treatments at a low price, but it's not helpful! By starting cheap, you undermine the value of your services, so to speak. Clients may rate the quality of your work low, and at the same time, you will also struggle to make a profit and invest in your growth. It is important to charge a fair price that matches your skills and market value. 'Cuz you're worth it!

7. Not daring to say no

Sometimes clients will make requests that are unrealistic.

"Oh, but can't you go on for an hour longer for my treatment?"

It is very important to state and monitor your own limits. After all, if you keep going a little bit over your limits, it will eventually lead to overwork and maybe even burnout. We understand that you want to keep your clients happy, but you can do so within your boundaries.

8. Do not test for allergies

If you have a client who wants henna brows for the first time, it is mega important to do a patch test. If you don't, you run the risk of the client having an allergic reaction. That can result in skin irritation and an unhappy client. By taking some time beforehand to test the product on a small patch of your client's skin, you can be sure whether or not the treatment will suit the client.


Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them.

A successful business involves peaks and valleys.

Learn from 8 common mistakes among budding brow bosses.