• Apr 28, 2024

Dissatisfied Customer? How To Handle A Complaint

Klacht Mrs.Highbrow review

In any industry, you will have to deal with them: dissatisfied customers. They can't be avoided, so that's why it's important to handle a complaint properly. After all, you can make someone happy again to avoid those bad reviews. How to get ahead of that complaint? Read the following 5 tips.

1. Really Listening To The Complaint

Is a customer unhappy with the treatment you performed, or does she find your service below par? The first and perhaps most important step is to listen. Really listen. Your client has had a reason to be dissatisfied and wants to be heard.

It is important to show that you take the complaint seriously. So take your time and repeat the complaint so that you both of you know exactly where the problem lies. This prevents miscommunication. After all, if you don't understand your customer properly, you won't be able to find an appropriate solution either.

Once you notice that the customer is repeating himself, it is time to move on to the next step: apologize for the complaint. An appropriate solution will follow.

2. Saying Sorry Helps

A customer with a complaint wants to be heard. Therefore, it is important to apologize sincerely and show that you take him or her seriously. By apologizing, you acknowledge the frustration, which is very important at the time. Even if you do not agree with the complaint, it is good to apologize for the inconvenience.

Are you irritated because in your eyes it is a minor issue? Above all, don't let this show through in your voice and intonation. Saying sorry is not the easiest thing in the world, but it shows that you are being honest and vulnerable. This makes up for a lot in many cases.

Examples Of Excuses

Below you can read some examples of a good way to apologize for a complaint:

  • I'm sorry you're not completely satisfied with the service. I understand that it can be frustrating ...
  • I value my customers and want you to be satisfied. Therefore, I sincerely apologize and strive to improve at our next appointment.
  • I'm sorry there have been misunderstandings. Let's look together at how we can resolve this.

With heartfelt apologies, most of the complaint has already evaporated.

3. Come To A Solution

After you apologize, it is important to come to a solution. Often you will find that customers understand that some things can go wrong and a treatment doesn't quite work out, for example. But what customers want most of all is a solution. A good solution that is often greatly appreciated is a discount on a subsequent treatment. This is also nice for you. It allows you to show that you can do things differently and that you have good skills.

Tip: Give the client several options to solve the complaint. This shows that you are serious and eager to find a solution. The customer will be satisfied faster this way.

4. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The best thing is of course if a complaint can be prevented. It is therefore important to be clear about what a person can expect after a Henna Brow treatment, for example. What we see a lot among our Brow Community is that many clients want to keep the tattoo effect of the henna longer. Be clear that this varies greatly by skin type and additionally has to do with proper aftercare. Therefore, do not promise things you cannot keep. After all: agreements made must be kept. By not setting expectations too high, the client will be extra surprised when they see the result. Moreover, you will get one less complaint.

Want to read more about how to make sure Henna Brows last as long as possible? Read the blog: "What You Need to Know About Henna Brows".

How To Prevent A Complaint

Below we give you 3 quick tips on how to prevent a complaint:

  1. Communicate clearly: communicate clearly about your products or services. Include prices, terms and conditions and expectations. Avoid a misunderstanding or complaint by clearly communicating all relevant information.

  2. Be proactive: Anticipate potential problems and take measures to prevent them. For example, check your reviews regularly and respond quickly to customer concerns before they escalate into a complaint.

  3. Provide consistent quality: Make sure your products or services are consistent in quality and performance. Also, train your staff regularly to maintain quality.

5. Let It Go

Sometimes you will encounter customers who will never become satisfied despite all possible solutions. You will never be able to resolve their complaint. Don't let this upset you and certainly don't doubt yourself. You just can't make everyone happy. See it as a learning opportunity and a chance for improvement!