Business • Sep 24, 2023

3 Ultimate Tips For More Profits In One Day

Mrs.Highbrow Meer Omzet Op Een Dag

As prices naturally rise and expenses increase, it's tempting to continually raise the prices of your treatments. However, this approach isn't sustainable in the long run. Luckily, there are alternative strategies to drive sales and increase profit without putting in more work. Here are three valuable tips to help you achieve greater success without increasing your workload.

- By Desi van Dijk

1. An Organized Workplace

A well-organized workspace can help you work faster and more efficiently because you don't have to constantly search for stuff. Because if you constantly have to get up to get cotton wool, find a brush, and maybe even clean and refill your wax pot first, you'll spend a lot of time. As a result, your treatments take longer and you may even run late, much to the frustration of subsequent clients.

An organized salon ensures a smooth workflow and ultimately more profits.

  • Major Cleaning. Start by cleaning up and organizing your workspace so that all essential materials are within easy reach. Store products you use less often neatly in a closet. Not everything needs to be right up for grabs. Make sure you have enough supplies for one day, such as cotton pads and cotton swabs, and store the rest in a separate place. Throw away old cosmetics and tools you no longer use. A tidy environment creates fewer distractions and more focus.

  • Well Organized. Invest in smart storage solutions to keep all your salon supplies neat and organized. Think drawer organizers, shelves, baskets and labels to make it easy to find everything. Space-saving storage options ensure quick access to your materials. And what about practical and beautiful displays?

    Mrs.Highbrow not only sells a Makeup Display, but also a Brow Lamination Display and Lash Lift Display. Not only handy, but also a real eye-catcher! This way your clients will immediately see that you work neatly and that you perform these treatments.

    The displays are handmade in the Netherlands and cost €69. A small investment for optimal use and ultimately more profit.

  • Maintenance routines. Set up a daily tidying routine, taking a moment at the end of each day to tidy up your workspace and put items back in their designated place. This ensures that your workspace always stays organized and prevents an accumulation of clutter. And that way, everything is ready for the next day.

Mrs.Highbrow Lash Elevation Display

Mrs.Highbrow Lash Elevation Display €69

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Lamination Display

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Lamination Display €69

Paying in advance for cinema or festival tickets is common, so requesting a down payment for our services is not unreasonable.

2. Say No To No-Shows

No-shows are the biggest culprit when it comes to lost revenue. It is incredibly frustrating when you reserve time for a client, disappoint other clients and then find yourself with an empty spot in your schedule. This greatly affects your bottom line.

To avoid no-shows and generate more revenue, it is important to have a good policy. Be clear about the consequences through a clear cancellation policy, in which it's okay to be a little strict.

  • Communicate in confirmation and reminder messages what your policy is regarding canceling or rescheduling appointments.

  • Send a reminder 48 to 24 hours in advance and give the client the opportunity to reschedule or cancel the appointment within that time without charge.

  • If a client cancels within 24 hours before the appointment, charge a fee regardless of the reason. This can range from 50% to 100% of the cost of the treatment.

  • Does a client not show up at all? Send an invoice of 100% of charges. Only after this is paid can a new appointment be scheduled.

  • Similar to how you pay in advance for cinema or festival tickets, we also recommend considering a down payment or full pre-payment for your services.

If you communicate your policy clearly in the confirmation and reminder messages, you will find that customers understand this and that the number of no-shows decreases significantly.

Offering Makeup Is A Smart Way To Increase Your Profits And Make Customers More Satisfied

3. Make-up Selling

Don't we all wish we knew more without having to work harder? As a salon owner, you know all too well that running a beauty salon is hard work. Even if you have four treatment chairs that are always fully booked, you reach maximum capacity at some point.

Fortunately, there is a simple way to increase your daily turnover without having to add extra chairs or hire staff. The secret lies in additional sales.

When a customer books a treatment with you, why not also entice them to buy a matching product? This is a smart and easy way to increase your profits and make your customers even happier.

Imagine focusing on popular treatments such as Henna Brows, Lash Lifts or Brow Lamination. Offering makeup products that perfectly match these treatments can significantly increase your sales and thus boost your profits.

However, it is important that you make it clear to your customers that you sell this makeup. Just putting up a nice display is not enough, but make sure you finish the brows with a pencil or brow gel or soap after a treatment. Then the client immediately sees how beautiful this makeup looks, and is more likely to want to purchase it. Besides, it's a nice service, such a perfect finishing touch.

Mrs.Highbrow Display make-up

Mrs.Highbrow Makeup Display €99

Increase Your Profits, Become a Reseller!

Do you also want to increase your profits, without having to work harder? Become an official reseller of Mrs.Highbrow make-up! This means that you buy Mrs.Highbrow makeup at a high discount, so you can resell it at a profit.

For this you need to have a special sales account. How does it work?

  1. Send an email to and ask for the conditions.
  2. Within 2 working days you will receive an email with the conditions and price list.
  3. Then place your order.
  4. We will send you an invoice with the discount prices.
  5. Pay the invoice and we will send your order.
  6. Start selling, increase your profits!
  7. Running out of stock? Then order again, at a discount of course.