Discover the latest sensation in the eyebrow world: Hybrid Brows! This revolutionary treatment delivers a stunning tattoo effect that lasts up to 7 days on the skin, while the hairs remain colored for 6-7 weeks. Make your clients dazzle with ultra-sleek brows thanks to the high-quality Hybrid Dye.

Made in Germany

After 2 years of meticulous research and development in Germany, Mrs.Highbrow proudly presents the popular Hybrid Dye. This eyebrow tint with a henna effect not only colors the hairs but also leaves a beautiful imprint on the skin, creating an enchanting tattoo look in no time!

Hybrid Dye: Game Changer

Hybrid Dye is a true game-changer for both clients and brow stylists. Thanks to its gel texture and handy tube, the dye is easy to mix and apply. Choose from six stunning shades of Hybrid Dye, from light brown to almost black, and effortlessly mix them to create the perfect color for every eyebrow. 

Note: always mix Mrs.Highbrow Hybrid Dye with the special Mrs.Highbrow Developer, as the product does not work with other brands of peroxide. The mixing ratio is 2:1, so for 4 tubes of dye, you need 1 bottle of Activator.

How To Care For Hybrid Brows

To ensure the best results, it's important for your clients to properly care for their eyebrows. Share these 6 essential tips for the first 24 hours after treatment with Mrs.Highbrow Hybrid Dye:

  1. Keep the eyebrows dry! No water on the face or eyebrows for at least 24 hours.
  2. Avoid sweating! No intensive exercise or sauna visits.
  3. Do not use makeup remover or facial cleanser on the eyebrows.
  4. Stay out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds.
  5. Protect the eyebrows with a high SPF when it's sunny.
  6. Wait at least 5 weeks between treatments to prevent allergies.

6 Tubes For The Price of 5

Take advantage of our special offer now! Order all 6 colors of Hybrid Dye and only pay for 5. Plus, with this purchase, you'll receive free access to the exclusive Online Course Hybrid Brows, so you can create the perfect eyebrows for your clients.

Benefits Of the Online Course Hybrid Brows:

  • Professional guidance: Learn from experienced brow stylists who teach you all the ins and outs of the Hybrid Brows technique.
  • Practical tips and tricks: Discover handy tips and tricks to optimally use Hybrid Dye and achieve the best results for your clients.
  • Step-by-step instructions: Follow detailed instructions and practice the right techniques to create the perfect Hybrid Brows.
  • Flexible learning: Take the course at your own pace, wherever and whenever it suits you, thanks to our online learning platform.
  • Certificate of participation: Receive a digital certificate after completing the course, showcasing your expertise in Hybrid Brows.
  • Post-course support: Email us with all your questions and stay up to date on the latest trends and developments.

For Advanced Learners Too

The Online Hybrid Brows Course is not only suitable for beginners but also for specialists who are already proficient in creating Hybrid Brows. By participating in this course, you get the chance to learn everything about the unique colors of Mrs.Highbrow Hybrid Dye and how to best apply and mix them. This comprehensive course helps you to further expand your knowledge and skills, allowing you to better cater to the desires and needs of your clients. With detailed explanations of Mrs.Highbrow Hybrid Dye's color palette, you'll be able to select and mix the perfect color even more accurately for each individual client.