HENNA BROWS • Jun 27, 2022

5 Important Facts About Henna Brows

Mrs.Highbrow Henna brows dyotics

Henna brows, the popular treatment that should not be missing from your salon's menu. But why is it that sometimes a greenish glow can be seen? And why doesn't the henna work? Read the five most frequently asked questions about henna brows, so you can perform your treatment better and more efficiently.

1. Mixing with warm water

You prepare your eyebrow henna with ordinary tap water. But sometimes the pigment pellets don't dissolve immediately and the porridge remains a bit grainy. Mrs.Highbrow's tip for creating the most stunning henna brows: mix Dyōtics Brow Henna with hot water. This will make the brow henna dissolve well and create a soft substance.

By mixing the brow henna well, the henna also develops faster from a porridge with a somewhat green tinge to a beautiful shade of brown. As a result, you can start the treatment henna brows sooner. When you mix the henna with cold water, the porridge has to stand for at least 5 minutes before you can start creating henna brows.

2. Mix & Match

Dyotics brow henna is available in various shades, from blond to black. For creating the most beautiful henna brows. All the colors of Dyotics can be mixed with each other. You can add a bit of Raven to Ash Brown, to make the color just a bit more intense. Or make Taupe a little lighter and warmer with Hazelnut. Just get to work and create your own henna brows colors.

Brow mapping henna brows

3. Brow Mapping

Brow Mapping is a convenient and easy way to create sleek henna brows. But how does it work? With Brow Mapping String you put clear, straight lines on the skin giving you tight brows. So you actually put four lines: at the top from the root to the kink and from the kink to the tail. And then at the bottom from the base to the kink and from the kink to the tail. Within these lines you apply the henna brows.

Mrs.Highbrow Mapping string thread

Or you can choose Brow Mapping Paste. This is a cream that you use to draw the contours of the eyebrows when you apply henna brows. It is preferable to apply it with a flat brush, such as the Mrs.Highbrow Highlighter Brush. Within contouring you can get started with brow henna. Because it is a thick cream, the henna stays neatly within the lines. After the effect time you remove the cream with a cotton pad. Easy as that.

4. Cleanse the eyebrows and skin well

Why does eyebrow henna sometimes not pick up well on the skin? A major cause is that the skin is not cleaned properly and there is still makeup and grease residue on it. The henna cannot then penetrate the skin properly, with the result that it fades quickly. Or even not adhere at all.

Put on some Skin Prep Lotion from Dyōtics on a cotton pad and cleanse the skin with it. Does a client have a lot of makeup on? Then you can use a makeup remover first. Make sure the skin is dry when you apply the henna to the eyebrows, because a still damp skin is also a deal breaker for henna brows! Tip: ask your clients to exfoliate their brows beforehand. The less dead skin cells the better the brow henna will take.

5. Applying the Brow Henna

The more fluid the henna is when you apply it, the harder it becomes as it soaks in. This often makes it difficult to remove the henna from the skin and eyebrows, requiring real scrubbing. To avoid this, do not apply the henna too thinly.

The paste should also not be too thick, as this increases the risk of allergies. The less water you mix the powder with, the more concentrated the paint is and the higher the percentage of ppd in the paint. So what is a good thickness? Think of the substance of ketchup. The paste may run off the brush a little but not too much. For henna brows, use half a scoop of powder and 12 to 15 drops of hot water.

Henna brows brow aanmaken mengen

11 Reasons Why Brow Henna Doesn't Work

1. The skin was still damp from the Skin Prep Lotionwhen you applied the brow henna.

2. You applied the henna too thin; for perfect henna brows, the skin under the brows must be completely covered.

3. You did not press and stamp the eyebrow henna into the skin properly.

4. The client has too oily skin for henna brows.

5. You didn't go under the eyebrows well enough with your brush.

6. The skin was not cleaned properly; there was still grease or makeup residue on it.

7. You left the eyebrow henna on too short.

8. The client has such dense brows that it is difficult to cover all the skin under the brows with henna.

9. The client wet and/or cleaned her brows within 12 hours of the henna brows treatment.

10. You applied too light a shade of Dyotics Brow Henna to dark skin.

11. The client has almost no eyebrows of her own; brow henna only picks up on skin where there is somewhat hair.

Online Course Henna Brows

Want to learn more about applying Dyotics Brow Henna to create the most beautiful henna brows?

Order the online course henna brows for only €199, including Dyotics Starter Kit (worth €179), handwritten certificate and coaching afterwards.