• Oct 06, 2020

Lower back pain relief exercises for Brow Specialists

Rug Klachten, Mrs.Highbrow

Brow Stylist is a beautiful job. The best if you ask us. You make people look good and feel good. However you shouldn't forget about your own well being and health. While working on brows you are constantly leaned forward which can cause discomfort in your upper neck, shoulders and lower back. But there is a solution! Find our easy, everyday exercises below!

Sounds familiar?

No matter how busy your schedule is, you should take (some) time during the day to do some exercises. Even 5-10 minutes of exercises a day can make a huge difference in the long run. That’s why we collected and tested a few exercises that you can easily do in the salon in between your treatments.

Click here video below for easy exercises focusing on lower back pain relief.

For the best results it's best if you do these exercises a few times a week or even everyday. If you are a salon owner or a manager, encourage your colleagues to do the same so you can make customers happy for a long time without any back complaints yourself. Do you have any other requests for exercise tips or do you have tips yourself that you’d like to share with other specialists? Let us know in the Mrs.Highbrow Stylist Community on Facebook.