BUSINESS • Feb 07, 2022

From Goal To Success

Blog goals mrs.highbrow

Goals can give you a clear picture of what you want to accomplish in your career or in a given period of time. While this can really help to keep you focused, it's important to remain realistic. But how can you best do this? With the steps below we'll guide you from goal to success.

By Desi van Dijk

1. Focus On Only One Goal

People with a long list of goals often achieve less overall than people with just one goal. But why? Having just one main goal gives you a central point to focus on - think of it as your dot on the horizon. You can picture it as a funnel that focuses your attention entirely on the end point to be reached, increasing your chances of success. Focus your attention on your main goal until you have achieved it, and then get to work on the next one, and the next, and so on! 

2. Set Subgoals

In addition to your main goal, it may help to set subgoals. Instead of your goal to be the best brow boss in your area, set the goal of mastering Henna Brow creation flawlessly first. Setting sub-goals to achieve the big goal makes it easier to manage. And the more concrete you make it, the easier it will be to actually achieve it! You'll find that it's motivating to keep ticking off small goals, bringing you closer to the thing you ultimately want. Maybe you know the quote "A goal without a plan is just a wish". A bit cliché, but it's completely true. If you want to achieve your goal, you must have a plan.

3. Write Down Your goals

But, just formulating goals won't help you. Try writing them down on a large sheet and hang it on the wall or in the notes app on your phone. Once you start writing down your goals, you're programming yourself to work on them through this motivation and focus.


4. Be Specific

When you get down to writing down your (sub)goals, it really helps to make them as specific as you an. One method that can help with this is the SMART method: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-bound. By using this method, you can work out your goal step-by-step as it provides an overview and truly shows whether your goal is achievable.

5. Adjust Goals

It might be the case that your goal is either unattainable or just not challenging enough. For example, it may not be feasible to have an extra business before the end of the year, or maybe your goal - to reach 1000 Instagram followers - will actually be achieved within a month. You don't have to scrap your goal right then, but you should look at how you can adjust your goal. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself. We call it "realistic goals" for a reason, so keep track of your progress and check in from time to time.

Celebrate success mrs.highbrow

6. Celebrate Your Successes

One important step: don't forget to look back once in a while to see what you've achieved! Enjoy the present, your goals, and your successes and celebrate them. Celebrating each big or small win will help keep you motivated.

7. Asking For Help Is Okay

Asking for help is not easy for many people, but see this as a strength, not a failure. There will always be people willing to help you reach your goal. Maybe your dad would like to hang some paintings in your salon or you can try a new treatment on a friend? Don't be afraid to lean on your 'village' as you build your dreams.