• Jul 15, 2020

De Brow Branche Post COVID19

Covid brow bar eyebrows salon

The global beauty industry - from skin care to fragrances to brow treatments - has been overwhelmingly surprised and shocked by the COVID19 crisis. Sales have been weak and there have been widespread salon closures. Will the brow industry be resilient? Join us while we make an attempt to predict the future.

Many salon owners have responded from a place of positivity to the pandemic. We’ve seen specialists going live on Instagram, offering DIY tutorials & brow kits, and even offering free brow treatments to frontline response workers. At the same time beauticians had to do their best to ensure that their businesses survive. We were surprised to see how creative most of you turned out to be. You all inspired us to keep innovating and growing.

“Lives come first, but livelihoods also matter”

Affordable Luxury

Even though the economic magnitude of COVID19 on brow businesses will be far greater than any recession, there are signs that our industry may once again prove relatively resilient. People are spending less money and tend to put their money in their savings, but brow treatments & products are seen as an affordable luxury. Therefore (online) sales tend to stay strong, even in times of a pandemic and global recession. Right after the press conference that announced brow bars would be able to reopen their doors in the Netherlands, our booking system was overloaded. Brow treatments are as important as getting your hair done. That’s very understandable because brows can really make a difference in a person’s appearance.


So there’s hope of a positive outlook for the future. Given the realities of working from home, social distancing and mask wearing, it has become less important to wear a fragrance or buy new outfits. Even when returning to work many will continue to wear masks. And this is why the brow industry is an exception to the overall recession, because we provide above-the-mask treatments. We will continue to be important to our clients. Brow treatments and beauty in general has become more and more intertwined with a person’s sense of well-being.

“The advantage of providing above-the-mask treatments”

Of course, 2020 will be one of the worst years our industry has ever endured. However, we believe that our industry will remain to not only be resilient, but will prosper. People across the globe are showing that they still find comfort in the simple pleasures of getting their brows done or applying brow gel and highlighter before putting on their mask. The COVID19 isn’t likely to change that feeling.
