HENNA BROWS • May 12, 2024

Henna Brows Aftercare: The Best Tips For Your Clients

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Henna Dyotics Aftercare

How long a client enjoys the Henna Brows you apply has to do with good quality Brow Henna and your skill. But that's not the only thing. Proper aftercare is also super important. Read the 9 best after care tips here.

By Desi van Dijk

With Mrs.Highbrow Brow Henna, you're not just coloring the hairs, but also creating a beautiful imprint on the skin for your clients. This results in even fuller and sleeker looking brows. And of course, your clients would want to savor that gorgeous imprint for as long as possible. It's your responsibility to ensure that. After that, it's up to your client to handle those fleeky brows with care, especially in the first 24 hours.

The First 24 Hours After Henna Treatment

We want that Brow Henna to bond well with the skin post-treatment. And because these first 24 hours are crucial for maximizing the enjoyment of the henna brows, it's essential for the client to adhere to a few tips. Emphasize these tips to the client. And for an even longer indulgence in the Henna Brows, it's best to even go for 48 hours.

1. Keep Henna Brows Dry

In order for the Brow Henna to adhere to the skin optimally, it is important that your client does not get the Henna Brows wet for the first 24 hours. This means that it is not recommended to get his or her head wet in the shower in the first 24 hours.

The sauna is also definitely not recommended in the first 24 hours. This is because perspiration also allows the brows to get wet. This can have a detrimental effect on how long the henna remains properly attached to the skin.

2. No Intense Sports & Hot Yoga

You can sweat heavily even during an intense jog, strength training, or hot yoga class. That's why we strongly advise against them in the first 24 hours following a Henna Brow treatment. But don't forget to remind your clients to take precautions even after the first 24 hours. For instance, if they do hot yoga classes multiple times a week, it's likely that their henna brows may fade faster.

3. No Makeup Remover Or Face Wash

For the first 24 hours after a Henna Brows treatment, be careful. Therefore, it is also important to use as little - preferably no - cleansing products in the brow area as possible. A makeup remover or face wash is not recommended. Make sure to clean the brows well before treatment with a make-up remover, Skin Prep Lotion and Treatment Enhancer. This allows the henna to adhere optimally, but the client will also not have to clean her brows for the first 24 hours.

4. No Makeup Application

Do not advise the client to use makeup in the brow area for the first 24 hours. First, it will not be necessary because the Henna Brows will be intense enough. And secondly, it is inadvisable because the client cannot use makeup remover or face wash either. As a result, applying makeup is not convenient and unnecessary!

5. Not Full In The Sun

Especially the first 24 hours after the Henna Brows treatment, it is not good for the client to sit with his or her henna brows in full sun. This can trigger an allergy. Additionally, be aware that sun and tanning beds will cause the color of the Henna Brows to change faster.

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Henna Dyotics Aftercare

The Rest Of The Weeks After Henna Brows Treatment

While the first 24 hours are crucial to enjoying the Henna Brows for as long as possible, it is important to also give some after care tips in general to your client.

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Henna colors the hairs of the eyebrows for 5 to 6 weeks, and produces an effect on the skin for up to 10 days. The better the tips below are observed, the longer the color will remain visible on the skin.

1. Don't Scrub

The epidermis - the top layer of the skin - is constantly being renewed. Therefore, it is also simply not possible to maintain the effect of Brow Henna on the skin for more than 10 days. A number of factors will cause the epidermis to renew itself even faster. One of these is exfoliation. It sounds logical, but do not allow the client to exfoliate the skin around her brows or her brows themselves while the henna is still clearly visible. This will only speed up the process.

However, you can advise the client to scrub the skin around the brows 1 or 2 days before the Henna Brows treatment. This way the skin renews itself just before the treatment. The henna will then adhere optimally. And your client will enjoy her fabulous Henna Brows longer.

We do not recommend exfoliating the eyebrows before the Henna Brows treatment in your salon. Besides the fact that you often spend up to 5 minutes of extra time on it, there is also the chance that some grains will be left behind. This makes it more difficult to apply the Brow Henna properly.

2. Not Using Face Cream in the Brows.

Advise against using facial creams on the eyebrows, especially anti-aging creams that contain ingredients like retinol and AHA. These substances stimulate the production of new skin cells, causing the old skin cells, along with the henna, to be shed sooner.

3. Beware of sun and tanning

While we all know we should be careful with the sun, this is especially true with Henna Brows. Exposure to the sun - and especially sunburn - will accelerate cell division. When you burn, for example, you can see this by shedding. As a result, the skin will renew itself faster and the henna will fade faster. Also, the brows and imprint on the skin light up from the sun.

Note that too much sun exposure combined with henna brows can trigger an allergy.

4. Avoid Swimming Pools With Chlorine

And finally, avoid chlorinated pools while the color is on the skin, as pool water is more likely to cause the henna to fade. If you're on vacation, you can, of course, just swim in the pool, but be careful not to spend too much time with your head underwater.

Mrs.Highbrow Brow Henna Dyotics Aftercare

Inform Your Clients!

Really press your clients the above aftercare tips. So that they can enjoy their Henna Brows for as long as possible.

Mrs.Highbrow has developed aftercare leaflets especially for you and your clients. In this leaflet you will read about the importance of a patch test and how to take care of your brows after treatment. Choose a Dutch or English version.