• Mar 07, 2020

The Big Clean


Spring is the perfect time for the Big Clean. However, good hygiene has never been such a hot topic. About spotless tools, the best cleaning routine for a beauty specialist and measures to keep Corona out.

Door Anouk Bruel

Bacteria may not be visible, but they're all around us. We carry millions of them with us at any given time. It doesn't cause a problem, as long as they don't end up in places where they can cause an infection, like in a wound. If you happen to have a weakened immune system at such a time, you are more prone to get sick. You can prevent the spread of bacteria by regularly washing your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer (preferably, while not wearing jewelry). In more serious cases, bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics.


Besides bacteria, we're also dealing with viruses. These culprits are smaller than bacteria, but they are more likely to cause problems. Like now with the Coronavirus, as well as the flu, a cold or a cold sore. Unlike bacteria, a virus cannot reproduce. The pathogens can only spread from person to person. That's why it's so important to sneeze onto your sleeve and wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing.




From Mouthmask to Handgel

The most important measures you can take to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are very simple. These measures apply to all viruses that can cause the flu or the common cold. So, it's always important to stick to them. These measures include:

- Wash your hands thoroughly before dealing with any new customer
- Use disposable paper towels in the bathroom
- Use a face mask and replace it after every custome.
- Clean more often than you usually would
- Make sure to place hand sanitizers - if you can still find them somewhere, at least - in your waiting room so that your customers can use them.

Be careful with the bleach

You can thoroughly clean just about everything with cleaners such as an all-purpose cleaner or green soap. Disinfectants, on the other hand, are the only way to combat invisible dirt such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Bleach is one of the products that many of us use as a disinfectant. But does it work? Bleach can kill some types of bacteria and viruses, but it doesn't exactly combat all of them. It's a cleaning product similar to chlorine, that 'bleaches' a surface. This means that the dirt is temporarily invisible. Some of the bacteria that are killed often include good bacteria that our bodies need. According to cleaning company Cleanwash, using bleach and chlorine is like using air fresheners when there is a sewage leak. "It masks foul odors, but it doesn't solve the actual problem." What's more, the Health Council of the Netherlands has stated that excessive use of bleach may lead to an allergy. Well, that's not quite what we want... Furthermore it's essential to know that you should never mix it with other cleaning products. Mixing bleach with an all-purpose cleaner, for example, immediately releases toxic vapors that can pose a risk of suffocation.

Using bleach and chlorine is like using air fresheners when there is a sewage leak. It masks foul odors, but it doesn't solve the actual problem


Dry cleaning 

According to the general hygiene guidelines, it's important to first clean 'dry'. When your last treatment of the day is over and you want to make sure the salon is clean, it's best to start with dusting the furniture and vacuuming the floor. You can then start the 'wet' cleaning, using a cloth, steam cleaner and/or mop. Always clean from top to bottom and be sure to work with a cleaning plan. Are you a beautician working with towels and sheets? Throw any used towels or cloths in your washing machine and set it at 60°C for a hot wash. It's important to wash towels and sheets at a high temperature to remove any bacteria, after a treatment.


From Mini to Maxi Flacon 

You naturally clean your tools after every treatment. We do this using Barbicide at Mrs.Highbrow, so our instruments are spotless within a minute. In addition to the Barbicide Spray for surfaces, there is also a mini bottle and disinfectant dipper to put your instruments in. It's convenient to have it right next to you at your workstation, to save as much time as possible.



Tip: Make your own Barbicide Spray

It is now more important than ever to keep your salon virus-free. The Barbicide spray is a handy way to clean your treatment chair between treatments, especially armrests, if you have those. But also for the table in your waiting room and any door handles. If you don't have this product: take an empty spray, fill with 5% Barbicide Concentrate and add regular tap water. The ration should be 5% Barbicide and 95% water.


Cleaning schedule 

To make it as easy as possible for you, we have created an overview of when your salon area and materials are ready for The Big Clean.

After Each Treatment 

Disinfect (eyebrow) tools; clean the treatment chair using a wet wipe; replace disposables


Empty trash cans and replace bags, disinfect the toilet, contact points (i.e. door handles, taps, and light switches), furniture, window sills and the salon floor


Clean doors, mirrors, and glass walls.

Whenever necessary

Disinfect the walls and ceiling of the treatment room, including curtains, lamps, and other light fixtures; clean the windows

To make it as easy as possible for you, we have created an overview of when your salon area and materials are ready for The Big Clean

To make it as easy as possible for you, we have created an overview of when your salon area and materials are ready for The Big Clean

Prevent Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is the spreading of bacteria from one product to another. There are several ways to prevent cross-contamination in the brow industry. One of these is by wearing disposable nitrile gloves and by wearing clean work clothing every day. This also includes never using the same tools for more than one customer, but decontaminating these after each treatment, as mentioned above. Disposable spools and/or disposable brushes are another great way to ensure that all eyebrows and eyelashes are treated with a clean instrument.

When to sterilise? 

If we take it a step further than cleaning and disinfecting, we end up with sterilization. Sterilization is a sure-fire way of killing all microorganisms, such as bacteria, spores, and germs, and it reduces the risk of infection. The autoclave is one such example of a medical instrument used to sterilize equipment and tools by steam. This is particularly important for tattoo artists and piercers, but some beauticians also use it. If you're wondering whether you need an autoclave in your salon, you should think about what your instruments are used for. If they're only used on undamaged skin and don't come into contact with mucous membranes or damaged skin, it's enough to 'just' disinfect your instruments.




Beauticians who perform needling treatments, i.e. using needles to make the skin healthier and smoother, should pay extra attention when it comes to cross-contamination. The following applies to these beauty lovers: a Dermapen with a disposable needle cartridge is the perfect solution to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Beauticians are also advised to use a face mask while performing treatments involving pedicures, acne and other procedures where you may come into contact with blood, pus, and wound fluid. While it may not be necessary if your treatments don't include any of that, it's still worth it!


GGD Licence

If you work with tattooing, piercing or permanent make-up, you need a license from the Municipal Health Service (GGD). Why is that? Because these treatments release certain dyes that are supposed to be microbiologically and chemically safe. You'll be issued a three-year license once you meet the hygiene standards. It's mandatory to apply for a new license at the end of those three years. This also applies if you work with permanent make-up without pigmentation, as in the case of the hair stroke technique. More info: www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl

More info about Corona and hygiene? Check www.rivm.nl