BUSINESS • Feb 27, 2022

From Complaint To Compliment

Mrs Highbrow Hoe Ga Je Om Met Klachten

Even if you are the best at brows and beloved by all, the occasional dissatisfied customer is almost impossible to avoid. But what you can do is make sure that client becomes happy again and prevent bad reviews through our top 5 tips. 

- By Desi van Dijk

1. Really Listen

Is a customer not happy with the treatment you performed, or does she find your service below par? The first and perhaps most important step is to listen. We mean, really listen. Your customer has had a reason to be dissatisfied and just wants to be heard, so it's important that you show them that you take their complaint seriously. Take your time and repeat back the complaint so that you both know exactly where the problem lies, preventing any miscommunication. If you don't understand your customer well enough, you won't be able to find an appropriate solution. If you notice that the customer is repeating herself, move on to the next step: apologizing. 

2. Apologizing Truly Helps

A customer with a complaint just wants to be heard, so it's important to offer a sincere apology and to show that you take them seriously. By apologizing, you're acknowledging the frustration, which is very important in that moment. Despite whether or not you agree with the complaint, it's best to apologize for the inconvenience, and even if you're irritated because in your eyes it wasn't really a big deal, don't let this show through your tone! Saying sorry isn't always the easiest, but it shows that you are honest and vulnerable, and in many cases, this makes up for a lot.

"With heartfelt apologies, most of the complaint has already evaporated"

3. Come Up With A Solution

After you apologize, it's important to find a solution. Often you'll find that customers understand that things can go wrong and a treatment doesn't turn out quite right every time, but what they really want most of all is a solution. For example? A good solution that's greatly appreciated is a discount on a subsequent treatment, which is a win-win, as you can show that you can do things differently and that you really have great skills!
Mrs.Highbrow Team Tip: give the customer several options for remedying the complaint, showing that you're serious and want to come to a solution, and your customer will also be satisfied faster this way!

4. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The best thing is of course if a complaint can be prevented. It is therefore important to be clear what someone can expect after a Henna Brow treatment. What we see a lot among our Brow Community is that many customers want to keep the tattoo effect of the henna longer. Be clear that this is very different for each skin type and also has to do with the proper aftercare. Therefore, do not promise things you can not deliver. After all: agreements made must be kept. By not setting the expectations too high, the customer will be more surprised when they see the result.
Read more about how you can make sure Henna Brows last as long as possible? Check the blog: "What you need to know about Henna Brows".

5. Let It Go

Sometimes you come across clients who, despite all possible solutions, will never be satisfied. Do not let this upset you and certainly do not start doubting yourself. After all, you can't make everyone happy. See it as a learning moment and an opportunity for improvement!